Baby Rape


The situation

The incidence of the rape of babies and children has been reported widely in the South African press over the years. It appears some people subscribe to the belief that having sex with a virgin will cure HIV/AIDS. This is borne out by a study conducted by the University of South Africa at the Daimler Chrysler plant where 18% of those surveyed believed that having sex with a virgin would cure the disease. This is a worrying statistic and demands research to establish the extent of these belief systems and whether or not these beliefs are on the increase. 

The Research Project

Through my company, BTPartners, we have concieved a research program to study this phenomenon in South Africa.

If you want to become involved either morally, financially or intellectually by means of the contribution of money or resources, please email me. The research should be completed by June in 2002. The objectives of this research are to:

  • Conduct a thorough search on the literature of the beliefs associated with HIV/AIDS being cured as a result of having sex with a virgin
  • Appraise whether or not there is an increasing acceptance of these beliefs
  • Identify which populations or segments of the population ascribe to these beliefs
  • Highlight any differences and / or similarities in these belief systems by demographics, affiliation, education etc..
  • Obtain an understanding of what led to these beliefs becoming an urban legend or part of the conventional wisdom
  • To interview a sample of individuals who have been successfully prosecuted for the crime of baby / child rape
  • Evaluate wheter there is an increase in the trend of baby/child rapes and, if so, in which segments this occurs