

I can put the colour and excitement back into your company. I can release the magic & enthusiam that was always there, but untapped. I can make your people live in their power.

How can claims like this be made? Because I've done it before and know what it takes to start the avalanche of enthusiasm and positive energy. And I also know how to keep it going and growing.

An organisation is a living system. Each component, no matter how insignificant it may seem, can have an extraordinary impact on the functioning of the entire organisation. 

The process starts by seeing the organisation from the perspective of virtuous and vicious feedback systems. Build the virtuous, marginalise the vicious.

I work in association with Martens Thiel and Partner based in Cologne, Germany. The South African partnership is called Banhegyi Thiel and Partner. Through BTPartners we focus upon organisational change, particularly for government and municipalities (utilities). 

Banhegyi Thiel & Partners (BTP) is a specialist Organisational Systems Practice firm active in Germany and South Africa. The principals of BTP have an accumulated 30 years experience in Organisational Systems Consulting.